Mariam Nersisyan

Mariam Nersisyan

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I taught English in Armenia, Italy and China during the previous 8 years. I had the privilege to work both online and offline, with groups and 1to1. The most challenging task was, and will always be to ensure good quality, active, engaging and supportive classes both for young learners and adults. The former ones usually prefer to acquire new skills by active engagement and participation through games and role plays, adults, instead, quite often tend to be a little reserved, and they try to focus on grammar, books, and literature. However, as a teacher, I try to encourage them to be more courageous and not be afraid to practice oral speech and express themselves in the target language.
I am glad to have multinational students from almost all the corners of the world, see their results and consider their success as mine.
My recent group consisted of 18 Chinese kids-3-4 years old and I taught them how to recognize sounds, and read CVC words and sentences within less than 5 months.
Online learning instead requires more concentration from both sides, including the teacher and the learner, therefore, a higher level of focus is required to achieve the target. Homework completion, curiosity about the discussed topics, real life examples, willingness to share personal experience or make up stories using the targeted vocabulary is crucial in order to gradually achieve the final goal, which is supposed to be the acquisition of the language and confidence to make use of it without any worries.
Video di presentazione di Mariam Nersisyan
Dai lezioni private per:
  • Asilo e scuola materna, medie, superiori, università, adulti
  • Aziende, indipendenti e professionisti(in company)
Tipo di lezioni impartite da Mariam Nersisyan
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)
Parla queste lingue
  • Russo
  • Inglese
Formazione: titoli, corsi e certificazioni
  • Post-laurea o master:

    MA in Leadership in Education at Liverpool John Moores University(in corso)

  • La sua disponibilità
    Lunedì Martedì Mercoledì Giovedì Venerdì Sabato Domenica
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10 recensioni

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Umberto Teacher Mariam helped me prepare for the IELTS exam. my overall ...

Isacco Le lezioni sono coinvolgenti, ti aiuta molto sia nel capire gli ...

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Mariam Nersisyan

Mariam Nersisyan
27 Anni·Insegnante con 1 anno esperienza
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